How Can ISO 14001 Certification (EMS) Help Improve A Company’s Total Quality Management ?

While ISO 14001 Certification is broadly perceived as the business area's first standard to enable associations to oversee environmental execution, there are likewise extra advantages that associations should accumulate from adjusting the standard and its practices. In a past article, How to incorporate ISO 14001 Certification and ISO 9001 Certification , we took a gander at the straightforwardness with which the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (EMS) principles could be coordinated by a business, so it is promptly evident that there are numerous exercises and practices shared by the two norms, including the idea of "TOtal quality administration" (TQM). It along these lines would appear to be sensible to accept that the usage of ISO 14001 Certification may prompt enhancements in quality administration execution likewise – in any case, is that valid, and assuming this is the case, how might we guarantee that our business benefits as well? I...