ISO 27001 certification for persons vs. organizations

ISO 27001 certification for persons vs. organizations All the time when I convey free online classes on the point of ISO 27001 Certification , I see that very numerous individuals expect help with their own certification related with ISO 27001 certification while the online class is centered around certification of associations. This kind of misconception isn't completely surprising since numerous certification in the security space (for example CISSP, CISA, CISM) are centered around the certification of people, and have nothing to do with associations. Anyway, is ISO 27001 Certification expected for associations or people? In reality, both. Certification of organizations ISO 27001 is an management standard that was at first intended for the certification of associations. The framework works this way: organizations (or some other kind of association) build up their Information Security Management System (ISMS) which comprises of approaches, strategies, individua...