ISO 27001 certification for persons vs. organizations

ISO 27001 Certification , ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 27001 certification for persons vs. organizations

All the time when I convey free online classes on the point of ISO 27001 Certification, I see that very numerous individuals expect help with their own certification related with ISO 27001 certification while the online class is centered around certification of associations.
This kind of misconception isn't completely surprising since numerous certification in the security space (for example CISSP, CISA, CISM) are centered around the certification of people, and have nothing to do with associations.
Anyway, is ISO 27001 Certification expected for associations or people? In reality, both.

Certification of organizations

ISO 27001 is an management standard that was at first intended for the certification of associations. The framework works this way: organizations (or some other kind of association) build up their Information Security Management System (ISMS) which comprises of approaches, strategies, individuals, innovation, and so on and after that welcome an certification body to check our whether their ISMS is agreeable with the standard – this check is finished during the supposed certification Audit.
On the off chance that the certification audit is effective, the certification body will issue a declaration which will express that the association being referred to is compliant with ISO 27001 certification.
For this situation the representatives working at that association are not certified, in spite of the fact that it has been confirmed they carry on as per the standard.

Certification of persons

In any case, the entire business identified with ISO standards (certification bodies, specialists, training institutions, and so on.) before long understood that if there are no certified representatives who might create and keep up the administration framework, the entire idea & concept would fail..
Therefore, particularly like ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and other administration norms, different trainings have been created for people that need to get instruction for ISO 27001. There are presently many various trainings for people enduring from a couple of hours to half a month – for a overview read this article: How to learn about ISO 27001 and BS 25999-2. The most perceived trainings are ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Course and ISO 27001 Lead Implementer Course, however just for the previous a globally perceived declaration is issued (under the accreditation of foundations like IRCA or RABQSA).

Along these lines the people that go to the preparation and pass the test acquire the endorsement that is issued to their name. In any case, regardless of whether every one of the representatives at an organization were confirmed, this still doesn't imply that the organization itself would get the testament – there is a significant enormous contrast between confirmation of people and associations.
So ISO 27001 Certification offers different potential outcomes for certification, in contrast to some other standard in the security space. The best, obviously, is seek after the two accreditations – guarantee your work force with the goal that they can enable your association to create and keep up a satisfactory dimension of security, and ensure your organization so the preparation of the people is done deliberately and as indicated by sensible security needs.


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